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Важно Headlights

15 года 1 мес. назад #22468 от tomaszwl
tomaszwl создал тему: Headlights
sorry for writing in english, but my russian is not too good.
First of all - hi to all, this is my first post on your forum. You are probably the only forum in Europe about Dodge Ram.
I have 2004 Dodge Ram 1500 5.7 quad cab.
My question is - what is the law in Russia in case of headlights and taillights - is it permitted to keep original symmetrical headlights and red blinkers in taillights?
If no - what have you done to make it legal?
As far as I know there is no european - assymetrical headlights available at Dodge dealers.
You can write your answers in russian - I will understand most of it.
Thanks in advance,
15 года 1 мес. назад #22469 от Вадим QS
Вадим QS ответил в теме RE: Headlights
Прикольно,кто-то на аглицком чего-то про головной свет спрашивает,извиняется,что по русски плохо тянет.А кто по аглицки могет,помочь видимо челу надо.
15 года 1 мес. назад #22470 от Car-a-puzz
Car-a-puzz ответил в теме RE: Headlights
В России пока никто не вводил огрничение на светотехнику, была предпринята только попытка, но пока оставили всё, как есть. Единственная проблема - невозможно пройти техосмотр по головному свету т.к. световой пучок не европейский, не имеющий четкой границы. Правда это никоим образом не мешает обычной ежедневной эксплуатации.
15 года 1 мес. назад #22474 от eugene
eugene ответил в теме RE: Headlights
tomaszwl писал(а):

sorry for writing in english, but my russian is not too good.
First of all - hi to all, this is my first post on your forum. You are probably the only forum in Europe about Dodge Ram.
I have 2004 Dodge Ram 1500 5.7 quad cab.
My question is - what is the law in Russia in case of headlights and taillights - is it permitted to keep original symmetrical headlights and red blinkers in taillights?
If no - what have you done to make it legal?
As far as I know there is no european - assymetrical headlights available at Dodge dealers.
You can write your answers in russian - I will understand most of it.
Thanks in advance,

What are you trying to solve? Driving Dodge Ram in EU or coming to Russia in a Ram?
If you're coming to Russia, no worries, there are no checks for lights compliance at the border. You will have troubles with the headlights if you decide to get the Ram registered in Russia (keeping it in Russia for 6 months or longer).
There's nothing about the red blinkers (indicators) in the local laws though.
15 года 1 мес. назад #22476 от Shov
Shov ответил в теме RE: Headlights
tomaszwl писал(а):

sorry for writing in english, but my russian is not too good.
First of all - hi to all, this is my first post on your forum. You are probably the only forum in Europe about Dodge Ram.
I have 2004 Dodge Ram 1500 5.7 quad cab.
My question is - what is the law in Russia in case of headlights and taillights - is it permitted to keep original symmetrical headlights and red blinkers in taillights?
If no - what have you done to make it legal?
As far as I know there is no european - assymetrical headlights available at Dodge dealers.
You can write your answers in russian - I will understand most of it.
Thanks in advance,

Pan Polak ?
15 года 1 мес. назад #22477 от Car-a-puzz
Car-a-puzz ответил в теме RE: Headlights
eugene писал(а):

tomaszwl писал(а):

sorry for writing in english, but my russian is not too good.
First of all - hi to all, this is my first post on your forum. You are probably the only forum in Europe about Dodge Ram.
I have 2004 Dodge Ram 1500 5.7 quad cab.
My question is - what is the law in Russia in case of headlights and taillights - is it permitted to keep original symmetrical headlights and red blinkers in taillights?
If no - what have you done to make it legal?
As far as I know there is no european - assymetrical headlights available at Dodge dealers.
You can write your answers in russian - I will understand most of it.
Thanks in advance,

What are you trying to solve? Driving Dodge Ram in EU or coming to Russia in a Ram?
If you're coming to Russia, no worries, there are no checks for lights compliance at the border. You will have troubles with the headlights if you decide to get the Ram registered in Russia (keeping it in Russia for 6 months or longer).
There's nothing about the red blinkers (indicators) in the local laws though.

Ну а теперь для нас грешных можно по-русски? Любопытно же:laugh:
15 года 1 мес. назад #22478 от eugene
eugene ответил в теме RE: Headlights
Car-a-puzz писал(а):

Ну а теперь для нас грешных можно по-русски? Любопытно же:laugh:

Спрашиваю, что он пытается решить и отвечаю, что если машину не будет регистрировать в России то можно не заморачиваться. Про задний свет ответил, что нет у нас таких законов.

Нужно сначала понять, где он ездить собрался.
15 года 1 мес. назад #22479 от Car-a-puzz
Car-a-puzz ответил в теме RE: Headlights
ну значит в общих чертах я правильно понял. спасибо.
15 года 1 мес. назад #22480 от tomaszwl
tomaszwl ответил в теме RE: Headlights
As one of you asked - yes, I'm from Poland.
Next thing - I am not going to go to Russia in near future, but I haven't found better place to ask than your forum.
I cannot write in russian because you wouldn't understand me at all :D
From your answers I suppose that you have same problem with registration as I have. I was looking for european version headlights with european homologation ('E' mark), but no luck.
Most of you don't realize the fact, that when you will have a road accident you may have problems with insurance - I am trying to avoid that problem.
Yesterday a cop almost took away my registration when he saw original lighs without homologation - that's another problem - my luck was that there was an accident nearby and he had to go immediately.
Or maybe you have found replacements with european homologation and 'E' mark?
15 года 1 мес. назад #22482 от Shov
Shov ответил в теме RE: Headlights
tomaszwl писал(а):

As one of you asked - yes, I'm from Poland.
Next thing - I am not going to go to Russia in near future, but I haven't found better place to ask than your forum.
I cannot write in russian because you wouldn't understand me at all :D
From your answers I suppose that you have same problem with registration as I have. I was looking for european version headlights with european homologation ('E' mark), but no luck.
Most of you don't realize the fact, that when you will have a road accident you may have problems with insurance - I am trying to avoid that problem.
Yesterday a cop almost took away my registration when he saw original lighs without homologation - that's another problem - my luck was that there was an accident nearby and he had to go immediately.
Or maybe you have found replacements with european homologation and 'E' mark?

mozesz pisac na polskim. rozumiem i mowie.
co do reflektorow u nas szczegolnych problemow nie ma dlatego nikt i nie mysli o to. Moze byс sa Chiny reflektory. nalezy spytac o to.
15 года 1 мес. назад #22483 от Shov
Shov ответил в теме RE: Headlights
На наши машинки есть фары которые соответсвуют европейским стандартам? хотябы даже и катйские.
15 года 1 мес. назад #22493 от Рыбак
Рыбак ответил в теме RE: Headlights
Глянь количество Рэмов на www.mobile.de
Я не верю, что они катаются по Германии с американским светом. Значит что то там есть....
15 года 1 мес. назад - 15 года 1 мес. назад #22494 от Пауль
Пауль ответил в теме RE: Headlights
Shov писал(а):

На наши машинки есть фары которые соответсвуют европейским стандартам? хотябы даже и катйские.

анотация к ней. A Pair Of Euro Headlights (Left & Right). Do Not Miss This Latest Style Of Euro Headlights. я на RAM такие поставил
Последнее редактирование: 15 года 1 мес. назад пользователем Пауль.
15 года 1 мес. назад #22598 от tomaszwl
tomaszwl ответил в теме RE: Headlights
Dzieki Shov za wsparcie.
Szukalem na ebay'u, pytalem u dealera, nie ma europejskiej wersji _z_homologacja_ - a za brak homologacji policjant chcial mi zabrac dowod rejestracyjny.
Wyslalem zapytanie do 50 firm produkujacych oswietlenie samochodowe i te, ktore odpowiedzialy, to napisaly, ze koszt uruchomienia produkcji liczony jest w setkach tysiecy zlotych. Wyslalem tez zapytanie do komendy wojewodzkiej policji - zeby mi napisali co moge zrobic w tej sprawie - czekam na ich odpowiedz.
Chce uniknac klopotow na drodze - w razie wypadku firma ubezpieczeniowa moze odmowic wyplaty odszkodowania, dla mnie to nic, ale jakbym mial zaplacic odszkodowanie dla ofiary, to do konca zycia bym to splacal. Zabranie dowodu rejestracyjnego przez policje to przy tym drobiazg.


Now in english for those who don't speak polish.
I looked on ebay, asked at Dodge dealers - there is no european version of Dodge Ram and that's why there is no european headlights and taillights. On ebay you can buy euro version, but it doesn't have homologation and 'E' mark. I asked about 50 companies producing automotive lighting about producing such lights for me (for example 100 pcs), but the cost is too big - starting of the production costs few hundred thousand $, so no way for it. I also asked by email my local road police headquarters - what can I do in this case, but no response (they usually answer in 1 month).
I don't want any troubles after an accident (I didn't have any until now, but who knows) - isurance company can deny covering damages, but worse thing is, that when I will be prosecuted to pay the victim the money by myself. It would ruin me. Taking off my registration is not a problem in such case.
15 года 1 мес. назад #22601 от Ducati owner
Ducati owner ответил в теме RE: Headlights
Прикрути, если так уж беспокоишься, от европеизированного японского пикапа фонари.
Другой способ - успокоиться на счет страховки и ехать как есть.
Хотя навесь временные фонари от чего-нибудь другого, на кронштейне самодельном приделай.
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