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Вопрос Любимая и просто хорошая музыка.

12 года 2 нед. назад #128780 от ept720
12 года 2 нед. назад #128784 от Viking
12 года 2 нед. назад #128935 от ept720
12 года 2 нед. назад #128940 от Дядя Шломо
Дядя Шломо ответил в теме Re: Любимая и просто хорошая музыка.

System Of A Down
Album: System Of A Down
Song: Sugar
Year: 1998

The kombucha mushroom people,
Sitting around all day,
Who could believe you,
Who could believe you,
Let your mother pray, (sugar)

Well I'm not there all the time you know
Some people, some people, some people,
Call it insane, yeah they call it insane, (sugar)
I play Russian roulette everyday, a man's sport,
With a bullet called life, yeah mama called life,(sugar)
You know that every time I try to go
Where I really want to be,
It's already where I am,
Cause I'm already there!!!

The kombucha mushroom people,
Sitting around all day,
Who could believe you,
Who could believe you,
Let your mother pray, (sugar)

I got a gun the other day from Sako,
It's cute, small, fits right in my pocket,
Yeah, right in my pocket, (sugar)
My girl, you know, she lashes out at me sometimes,
And I just fucking kick her in the, ooh baby she's
People are always chasing me down,
Trying to push my face to the ground,
Where all they really want to do,
Is suck out my mother fucking brains,(sugar).

The kombucha mushroom people,
Sitting around all day,
Who could believe you,
Who could believe you,
Let your mother pray,

I sit, in my desolate room, no lights, no music,
Just anger, I've killed everyone(listen to this reversed-he says something cool),
I'm away forever, but I'm feeling better,
How do I feel, What do I say,
Fuck you, it all goes away,
How do I feel, What do I say,
Fuck you, it all goes away,
How do I feel, What do I say,
In the end it all goes away,
How do I feel, What do I say,
In the end it all goes away,
How do I feel, What do I say,
In the end it all goes away,
How do I feel, What do I say,
In the end it all goes away,
How do I feel, What do I say,
In the end it all goes away,
How do I feel, What do I say,
In the end it all goes away,
In the end it all goes away,
In the end it all goes away,
In the end it all goes away,
In the end it all goes away.
12 года 1 нед. назад - 12 года 1 нед. назад #129162 от Браза

I'm just a step away
I'm just a breath away
Losing my faith today
Falling off the edge today

I am just a man
Not superhuman
I'm not superhuman
Someone save me from the hate

It's just another war
Just another family torn
Falling from my faith today
Just a step from the edge
Just another day in the world we live

I need a hero to save me now
I need a hero, save me now
I need a hero to save my life
A hero will save me just in time

I've gotta fight today
To live another day
Speaking my mind today
My voice will be heard today

I've gotta make a stand
But I am just a man
I'm not superhuman
My voice will be heard today

It's just another war
Just another family torn
My voice will be heard today
It's just another kill
The countdown begins to destroy ourselves

I need a hero to save me now
I need a hero, save me now
I need a hero to save my life
A hero will save me just in time

I need a hero to save my life
I need a hero, just in time
Save me just in time
Save me just in time

Who's gonna fight for what's right?
Who's gonna help us survive?
We're in the fight of our lives
And we're not ready to die

Who's gonna fight for the weak?
Who's gonna make 'em believe?
I've got a hero, I've got a hero
Living in me

I'm gonna fight for what's right
Today I'm speaking my mind
And if it kills me tonight
I will be ready to die

A hero's not afraid to give his life
A hero's gonna save me just in time

I need a hero to save me now
I need a hero, save me now
I need a hero to save my life
A hero will save me just in time

(I need a hero)
Who's gonna fight for what's right?
Who's gonna help us survive?

(I need a hero)
Who's gonna fight for the weak?
Who's gonna make 'em believe?
I've got a hero

I need a hero
A hero's gonna save me just in time
Последнее редактирование: 12 года 1 нед. назад пользователем Браза.
12 года 1 нед. назад #129549 от ept720
12 года 1 нед. назад #129618 от Ozzy
12 года 1 нед. назад #129745 от zero67

А чёёё?Нормальный такой еврейский поц...в теории Эйнштейна есть мысль что всё - скорость, гравитация, время и т.п. относительно друг другу и только свет и его скорость всегда постоянны... и не считайте что знаете что такое свет с точки зрения рационального объяснения... его природу мы не в состоянии познать своим разумом логически... только через светлые чувства... все мы братья и сестры! кстати смотрите фильм "штурмуя вудсток", там ещё есть "чувство" брахмы (космоса)...
а музыка позитивная...
че курил не скажу!)))))))
12 года 1 нед. назад #129967 от ept720
12 года 1 нед. назад #130219 от Dmitr

Из комментов на ты-трубе:
"Эта песня из СССР, когда мы не смотрели , кто какой национальности, в нашем отделе были русские, татары, украинцы, белорусы, армяне, прибалты, но мы уважали не за национальность, а за человечность и жили дружно, такие устраивали капустники с программой, и не было никогда разногласий. А теперь, оказывается, кого-то притесняли, что это? От кого это исходит, ведь точно не от простых смертных!"
12 года 1 нед. назад #130240 от Дядя Шломо
Дядя Шломо ответил в теме Re: Любимая и просто хорошая музыка.
12 года 1 нед. назад #130241 от Ozzy
12 года 1 нед. назад #130242 от Ozzy
12 года 1 нед. назад #130247 от Дядя Шломо
Дядя Шломо ответил в теме Re: Любимая и просто хорошая музыка.
12 года 1 нед. назад #130269 от Ozzy
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